Before embarking on this next topic, I first steer one’s attention to the most recent press release widely distributed by the WaggleWeight® Company on February 7, 2013. There are uncounted other websites, publications, or other media-type outlets, particularly but not expressly limited to golf-related outlets, that have had the opportunity to conveniently view and present this press release through their own mediums as information that golfers and the golf industry need very badly for this industry to achieve better health overall and potentially grow into the future (especially the clubfitting trade, which literally continues to self-destruct at the time of this writing). For one that regularly visits or discovers any of these other outlets and that has not yet seen this press release, I urge one to read it now and draw one’s own conclusion(s) as to why any given outlet chose not to clearly display this particular release if given the chance to really help golfers and others throughout the golf industry, perhaps even asking the outlet why to potentially acquire a better sense of this industry if desired. And in light of the insight shown and long-overdue corrections already made and that will continue to be made in entries such as this one within Waggle Weight Wisdom™, I ask one to please consider spreading word of this press release to as many recipients as possible as soon as possible. The extremely poor performance record and reputation especially of the clubfitting trade universally have become so well known among golfers and others in recent times that the entire golf industry in general has been affected. And until the source(s) responsible for this is widely exposed and appropriate improvements made, the clubfitting trade and its parasitic effects will continue to weigh very heavily on the golf industry as a whole.
As I work toward a needed break from writing this column, which I will begin after my March entries and which I will partly utilize to work on other needed facets of developing the WaggleWeight® Company business, there are a few more select topics I desire to get written down and copyright registered before I begin that break. The following subjects that mainly deal with clubfitting issues are not necessarily presented in a particular order in which they should be attended to when contemplating golf club fitting and a specific arrangement order for fitting them could be discussed more in the future. But there are critical elements regarding these topics that need to be discussed here and now. These elements can be considered quite fundamental in nature and it is crucial to comprehend them toward properly and thoroughly understanding these subjects. And despite that they are very rudimentary elements, I have never, ever really seen these particular elements even vaguely touched on from a clubfitting standpoint let alone discussed in more detail, yet more evidence of how much the clubfitting industry remains in its infancy to this day. Unfortunately, these disclosures will prove that, at least in the golf club fitting trade, the most important attribute of clubfitting in the end, which is human reasoning performance, lags far behind the technical capabilities of the clubfitting devices utilized today that are meant to supplement (not take over for) that human reasoning. This will for the most part become abundantly clear when these disclosures are made.
Anyway, this particular topic deals with golf club face angle, yet another important topic that remains poorly understood and applied within the clubfitting trade, especially at the true root level of this golf club specification when it is properly analyzed. Read more »