Please note that an offshoot category of this body of work as a whole has been formed, suitably titled Waggle Weight Wisdom™ Answers. While structured a bit differently, it can be considered a supplement or extension that evolved from the original Waggle Weight Wisdom™ work in this category. Over any given period of time and for any number of reasons that could include a business strategy, there might be an intense focus on developing material specifically for one category while another is intentionally left alone for a time. In view of this and especially if perhaps noticing no relatively new entries here for a while, more recent work might be found in another category, with new enlightening material potentially found there that may not have been addressed here yet (or ever). This should not be construed as an end to this primary Waggle Weight Wisdom™ category by any means.

First note here that I fully anticipate resuming Waggle Weight Wisdom™, specifically referring here to its golf swing and equipment fitting instructional elements.  There are additional critical matters in these areas that need to be attended to yet that will consist of new subject material and material to supplement that which has already been published, as certain matters have only been party addressed to date.  Ultimately, an abundance of visual material will be also added to the current free text-only version of Waggle Weight Wisdom™ to form one or more incomparable manuals comprising the most accurate golf information available regarding the golf swing and clubfitting topics addressed and the authoritative manual(s) against which all other such materials will thereafter be compared and judged in golf’s future (if golf does not become extinct).

Under different circumstances, perhaps my unfinished instruction that is still desperately needed by the golf industry in general to sufficiently recover and grow into the future (an industry continuing to plunge backward in many respects and lose players and popularity) would have resumed by this time.  However, Waggle Weight Wisdom™ cannot continue in earnest until Read more »

As I work toward some of the most important statements to be made in this particular entry regarding one’s golf grip sizing process, which is one of the most basic and at the same time most critical processes in best fitting any given golf club to one, I will need to make some qualifying statements leading up to that.  While some of these statements might be considered a review of sorts of my past material, they might nevertheless be presented from somewhat different perspectives and/or in different orders here than previously presented.  As such they might still come across as somewhat new and should help further fortify the learning of these principles in a sound and lasting manner.

First I shall review what the expression “fitting a golf club to one’s golf swing” should be taken as with respect to fitting a club.  With all of the garbage regularly strewn about in the clubfitting industry regarding this expression, let me be quite clear that this particular expression should be treated in Read more »

I realize that when I discuss golf grips or golf grip styles sometimes I am referring to the way one holds onto or takes hold of a golf grip and at other times I am referring to the characteristics or construction of a physical golf grip, one of the main components of a golf club. And these are two entirely different elements that I frequently use the same words for. Well to date I have not figured out a good way that I really like in which one can upon a quick glance readily distinguish which I am referring to. So I begin here by announcing that the above title refers to the physical construction of a component golf grip and a feature known as a “rib,” which many golf grips have and many others do not. Having said that, however, I will also during this examination be referring to the “other” golf grip or golf grip style, that of how one holds onto or takes hold of a golf club, mostly as a function of component golf grips that are and are not “ribbed.” Hopefully I will clearly distinguish between them during this analysis.

So I will get right to it with the hope that the length of this particular entry will not match the length of my immediately prior entry. Given the time frame involved the formulation of that entry was brutal at least for me, and perhaps for anyone reading through it as well. Anyway, as briefly started above, a golf grip rib is a feature of golf grip construction that some grips have and some grips do not that in general terms comprises a slightly raised bump that runs along a good portion of the length of a golf grip, from essentially its grip cap downward and running parallel to the golf shaft (when such a grip is installed on a golf shaft well). This rib is traditionally located along the underside of the golf grip such that if one takes hold of a golf club in a normal manner the rib will traditionally be facing the ground side as opposed to the sky side. As such, ribbed golf grips are by design not intended to be Read more »

But it is long overdue that somebody finally does such a full analysis correctly.  So as it should properly be done from the start, first recall my earlier statement that face angle is (in theory) relevant regarding any given golf club under any given circumstance and not just wood-type golf clubs and clubheads that are typically fixated on regarding this golf club specification.  With this hopefully learned well, I will begin logically analyzing face angle not from the Read more »

Before embarking on this next topic, I first steer one’s attention to the most recent press release widely distributed by the WaggleWeight® Company on February 7, 2013.  There are uncounted other websites, publications, or other media-type outlets, particularly but not expressly limited to golf-related outlets, that have had the opportunity to conveniently view and present this press release through their own mediums as information that golfers and the golf industry need very badly for this industry to achieve better health overall and potentially grow into the future (especially the clubfitting trade, which literally continues to self-destruct at the time of this writing).  For one that regularly visits or discovers any of these other outlets and that has not yet seen this press release, I urge one to read it now and draw one’s own conclusion(s) as to why any given outlet chose not to clearly display this particular release if given the chance to really help golfers and others throughout the golf industry, perhaps even asking the outlet why to potentially acquire a better sense of this industry if desired.  And in light of the insight shown and long-overdue corrections already made and that will continue to be made in entries such as this one within Waggle Weight Wisdom™, I ask one to please consider spreading word of this press release to as many recipients as possible as soon as possible.  The extremely poor performance record and reputation especially of the clubfitting trade universally have become so well known among golfers and others in recent times that the entire golf industry in general has been affected.  And until the source(s) responsible for this is widely exposed and appropriate improvements made, the clubfitting trade and its parasitic effects will continue to weigh very heavily on the golf industry as a whole.

As I work toward a needed break from writing this column, which I will begin after my March entries and which I will partly utilize to work on other needed facets of developing the WaggleWeight® Company business, there are a few more select topics I desire to get written down and copyright registered before I begin that break.  The following subjects that mainly deal with clubfitting issues are not necessarily presented in a particular order in which they should be attended to when contemplating golf club fitting and a specific arrangement order for fitting them could be discussed more in the future.  But there are critical elements regarding these topics that need to be discussed here and now.  These elements can be considered quite fundamental in nature and it is crucial to comprehend them toward properly and thoroughly understanding these subjects.  And despite that they are very rudimentary elements, I have never, ever really seen these particular elements even vaguely touched on from a clubfitting standpoint let alone discussed in more detail, yet more evidence of how much the clubfitting industry remains in its infancy to this day.  Unfortunately, these disclosures will prove that, at least in the golf club fitting trade, the most important attribute of clubfitting in the end, which is human reasoning performance, lags far behind the technical capabilities of the clubfitting devices utilized today that are meant to supplement (not take over for) that human reasoning.  This will for the most part become abundantly clear when these disclosures are made.

Anyway, this particular topic deals with golf club face angle, yet another important topic that remains poorly understood and applied within the clubfitting trade, especially at the true root level of this golf club specification when it is properly analyzed. Read more »

I have previously quite bluntly stated that the generalized expression of “feel” within the golf industry is far and away the biggest excuse word most commonly utilized by those who cannot satisfactorily explain something in more objective terms and are looking for as convenient a way as possible to end the discussion of the particular subject or change subjects.  It is an expression commonly utilized to excuse or relieve oneself from having to gain additional knowledge and/or being responsible for results that cannot otherwise be rationally explained.  I stand by my comments regarding this, and while maybe there has been Read more »

With this entry I finally bring this post title sequence to a close at this time.  Despite this, I still consider this original version to be essentially open-ended so it can be augmented, further clarified, and/or corrected based upon additional testing, changes in technology, and more in the future through supplemental work as warranted.  As just one of countless possibilities, it is assumed here that the 14-inch fulcrum location of the current golf club swingweighting system is a superb fit for me, and based upon observation with just the naked eye it appears to be.  But if it is scientifically found that Read more »

The problem is that golfers (including clubfitters here) of all ability levels are in essence currently forced to take a more artistic approach to clubfitting (and/or their golf swings) than desired simply because scientific approaches to certain clubfitting and golf swing elements are incomplete and/or downright incorrect.  Waggle Weight Wisdom™ is in the midst of overhauling much of this information so that it is more complete and/or correct.  Technical components will be better presented, they will become more distinguishable from artistic components and each component type will be put in its rightful place better, and one will be able to more appropriately utilize either or both components toward the best overall improvement and/or enjoyment in one’s golf game.  One of these elements, as I have been discussing, Read more »

As I wind down this post title sequence, presently looking as though there will probably be two more entries after this one unless anything else comes to mind before then, there are still a couple more select subjects that I at least need to touch on.  The first deals with the particular sequential order of golf club specifications that are to be fit to any given golfer at any given time (assuming right here that more than one specification will be fit, which is not and should not automatically always be the case depending upon individual circumstances).  I will begin by saying that the chosen order of club specifications to be fit to a golfer can Read more »

Due to these clubfitting factors plus golfers being spread out over a wide range indeed of playing skill and knowledge levels regarding clubfitting, an immense number of golfers genuinely needing clubfitting services at any given time will not need to be fit or refit for the whole shebang of golf club specifications every time they might consider seeking out any such service.  In a great number of cases circumstances can dictate that only one or a very small number of specific golf club specifications and specification values should be addressed and it would be quite wise to leave other specifications alone at any given time.  This further relates critically important reasoning why skilled clubfitting services should be centrally performed on a Read more »

I reemphasize here that if you are an individual clubfitter, so-called clubfitting educator, or any size entity or organization preaching and/or promoting clubfitting in any way and do not correctly comprehend these extremely basic equipment fitting fundamentals (that apply universally to all activities and not merely golf) then you have no business calling yourself a competent professional in this particular field.  You stink at a most elementary level long before any more technical, often very ornate, and often overrated devices like launch monitors might be utilized to potentially fine-tune certain golf club specification values as extensions of (although having no real usable value without) proper underlying clubfitting knowledge.  You are very contributory to the long-standing poor performance record and repute of the golf club fitting industry in general and should consider yourself very lucky that golfers as a generalized group (Messrs. Gullible Golfer) are commonly less experienced regarding athletic performance and even extremely basic equipment fitting and are often elated if the color(s) of their golf grips and/or clubheads are as desired.  If not for business provided from all of the routinely naive Messrs. Gullible Golfer, you might feasibly have essentially no customers at all and rightly so.

And if you have some sort of clubfitting learning certificate(s) on your wall and were not decisively taught the things disclosed thus far within Waggle Weight Wisdom™ as part of your clubfitting education, then you are similarly Read more »

I will broadly restate here the overall context of this post title sequence that multiple golf clubs or test clubs are sensibly often required in order to competently fit certain golf club specifications.  There is just no legitimate way around this no matter how much one may detest the thought.  A more technical way of stating this is that (at least) two specimens must be readily available with ideally all other club specification values matching exactly (the Twos) with only the one specification being fit being varied among the specimens.  No authoritative decision as to the best value of that golf club specification being fit can otherwise be made.  While the fitting of certain club specifications might be efficiently accomplished using just a single golf club Read more »

Briefly, in my immediately prior entry I noted that while much of the knowledge I am disclosing here I have known for a very long time, I am still learning new details and some of the information presented was learned not long before it was published within Waggle Weight Wisdom™.  I noted that I will be forthright in correcting any errors that come to my attention and advancing any theories and practices as applicable (unless I suppose Read more »

Through Waggle Weight Wisdom™ (or other means as this particular column may have a limited lifespan after certain golf swing and golf club fitting theories and practices have been gone through), I will make every effort through some branch of the WaggleWeight® Company to disclose and publicize any further research done and any alterations and/or improvements discovered that should be implemented in these theories and/or practices.  As I have perhaps noted previously, it seems that not a day goes by without still learning something new about my current profession, most often (but not always) minor details after a certain level of knowledge and/or experience is reached yet details that can still have a major impact in the end.  I have already been kind of bored and/or disgusted for a long time already with many aspects of the game, including but hardly limited to some of the more notable people that are publicly involved in and exert influence on the game in various capacities.  To this end, I might be out of here in a heartbeat if I ever felt I had nothing else to learn about this profession.  But I do continue to learn rewarding things, thus some of what I have written in the past (as honest as it was at the time) may already be outdated some.  Perhaps this even qualifies me as a Mr. Credulous Clubfitter.  In fact, before I am even done with this particular post title sequence, I already have a change to effect as described below.

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But even if eliminating something like aftermarket shaft devices and the added element(s) they bring into the equation of fitting grip size in this instance, and even in dealing with only the three primary golf club components, even this alone as presented within Waggle Weight Wisdom™ may still present one with an overwhelming number of possibilities to deal and test with.  And indeed it is a more complex process, but a process that actually produces correct clubfitting results compared with the completely inept, mail-order-type, prophet-for-profit, quick-fit grip-on-a-stick method or its equivalent of fitting golf grip size that has been traditionally utilized by the clubfitting industry (and which helps this industry firmly retain its deserved title of being the worst in all of sports).  And I sense many continuing to feel that Read more »

While still fundamentally linked to main subject at hand here, I want to slightly branch out for just a moment and first ask a question of everyone reading this.  I will give you a choice of two different golf club specifications to use on one’s golf clubs.  For the first specification, one will not be able to effectually sense the specification’s measured value for the first time (and thus cannot begin to act on it if desired) until Read more »

Here I continue to supplement the base of information put down to this point that will markedly change for the better the way golf equipment (and feasibly certain aspects of equipment in other activities) is fit to golfers.  There are select elements of both a golf swing and equipment fitting to that swing that need to be addressed to make sure that certain crucial consistencies between these two aspects of golfing are present.

The primary feature(s) of why one’s best golf grip size is what it is at any given point in one’s golf swing development will be discussed in a different post(s) that is yet to come.  While that is extremely important to know, this post sequence deals principally with how or the clubfitting “structure” of how to determine one’s best golf grip size (without really needing to know why one’s best golf grip size is what it is).  Without understanding and applying this clubfitting structure properly, one will not be able to choose one’s best grip size no matter how well one might understand the feature(s) that is most responsible for determining what one’s best golf grip size is.  So I will explore this clubfitting structure a bit more. Read more »

I will begin today by strongly emphasizing that anyone claiming to be a golf club fitter or fitting educator in any capacity and believing that one’s best golf grip size needed to perform one’s best golf swing should remain the same as golf shaft weight varies for an otherwise like golf club (with shaft weight being largely responsible for a golf club’s total weight) is a clear contributor to why the clubfitting trade has a well-deserved reputation for being the worst in all of sports.  This includes anyone fitting one’s golf grip size using the absurd Read more »

In continuing with the technical details of golf grip size fitting (one of the most critical clubfitting elements toward getting the most out of one’s golf swing) and in considering the use of different weight golf shafts on golf clubs now, an extremely important detail to learn well is how a swingweight scale physically operates with respect to measuring golf club swingweight values when different weight golf shafts are involved. Read more »

Here I continue my discussion of extremely critical grip size fitting as it relates to being able to most consistently make one’s best golf swings through golf club fitting, starting to now add in the element of differing golf shafts whereas prior discussions were primarily focused on the relationship(s) between the clubhead and grip sides of a golf club when the identical shaft was used.  Despite that several golf shaft specifications can be listed and considered for any given shaft, for the purpose of the continued testing here I will concentrate primarily on just one particular shaft specification, that of its Read more »

I do not think I can stress enough how important it is to stay away from any entity that fits one’s golf grip size through utilizing the grip-on-a-stick method or an equivalent like physically measuring the dimension of one or more features of one’s top gripping hand, even if claimed it will be only a starting point toward determining one’s best grip size.  This is hardly limited to shunning from Read more »

Thus far a couple of extremely basic tests have been performed with the three test golf clubs that have been constructed.  The first was independently taking each club through an acceptably wide range of swingweight values and determining the swingweight range through which one makes one’s best golf swings.  Each test club has a slightly different grip size installed on it.  Then, with the clubs’ swingweight values set right at the middle of the swingweight range determined (the same swingweight range and thus middle value was determined for all three test clubs), the clubs were swung and compared side by side against each another, one distinct pair at a time, to further determine which golf grip size one made one’s best golf swings with.  In my case (used as an example), the results were Read more »

Now it was already proven in the very first phase of testing that setting the M62 test club to a swingweight value of D3 (the median value of the range I did my best swinging at) will give me the best chance to swing that specific club well with some room to spare on either side.  There should be no need to revisit that again.  But in this second phase I am Read more »

Swingweight testing is now individually completed for the three test golf clubs, with my best, most efficient golf swings being performed over the exact same final swingweight range of D2 to D4 for all three clubs despite slightly different grip sizes/weights being installed on each one.  Now a second, different phase of testing can be performed that will Read more »

Keeping all of the elements discussed to this point firmly in mind, only a few select details remain to be discussed before one can begin a clubfitting session that is truly worthy of what one’s golf swing deserves no matter what talent level one’s swing is currently at.  Of paramount importance, know that this primary testing deals in Read more »

As I continue, I wish to clarify the meanings of some distinct expressions as used within Waggle Weight Wisdom™.  As stated in the very first entry of this column, the second most important task to engage in toward becoming a complete golfer (after rationally learning how to swing [and becoming confident in that swing, for success at subsequent tasks will be limited without such confidence]) is Read more »

Although the terminology used is generally different for irons (a “bounce” sole on an iron equating to a “closed” face angle on a wood and a “dig” sole on an iron equating to an “open” face angle on a wood), face angle effects can also be evident on irons based upon the particular design of the clubhead.  Clubhead soles that are Read more »

Particularly if you are a serious clubfitter (even if fitting yourself), you owe it to yourself to at least browse through the Rules of Golf that pertain to equipment, because there are certain regulations pertaining to golf grips and a grip can be made non-conforming or illegal for play if for instance one decides to add build-up tape to the shaft in a certain manner before grip installation.  As can be seen by the listed grip sizes at the start of my immediately previous entry, successive golf grip sizes up to the present have generally been made in increments technically labeled as Read more »

Now that I have gone over some details regarding trying to accurately predict final golf club swingweight values on a regular basis before the clubs’ grips are actually installed and hopefully imparted some confidence to you regarding how to do so, let me now see if in one fell swoop I can take it back and at least temporarily reduce any such confidence.

The plain facts are that I have in the past come upon golf grips of Read more »

If the individual grip grabbed is on the high or low side of the weight tolerance range for the grip model chosen and one is not fully aware of the model’s designed ideal weight and tolerance range (either of which may vary considerably from grip model to model and/or grip manufacturer to manufacturer) plus exactly where that individual grip weight is in relation to those figures, then this ignorance will not lead to bliss.  In the longer run one might Read more »

Another way of trying to beneficially predict any given golf club’s final swingweight value before the club is actually gripped, and arguably the best way to attempt such a thing when reasonably possible, is to sacrifice a grip to be used as a “reference model.”  But this specific procedure is different from what I previously wrote of when discussing Read more »

To further support why leaving a gap is unwarranted, assume now that an ungripped golf club is always placed in a swingweight scale the same way (solidly against the scale’s backstop for reference here).  Realize that the “strategic” location for placing a discrete golf grip on the scale so that an accurate final swingweight prediction reading will be produced may be Read more »

Here I shall begin describing some of the operation of a swingweight scale with respect to attempting to determine what the final swingweight values of golf clubs will be before their grips are actually installed.  This can be a very helpful exercise in the making and/or fitting of golf clubs.  Such results can be calculated more mathematically and without a specialized scale, but even mathematically the best that might be achieved may only be an approximation unless Read more »

In predominantly coming to a conclusion for now regarding discussing some various golf club “making” aspects that are relevant to and intertwined with various golf club “fitting” aspects (though I will address some golf grip and grip installation issues shortly as the last major point of test golf club construction), I wish to just make a couple of additional points related to shaft installation here first.  Now even if any particular details about the different topics discussed thus far have been ignored and/or not understood sufficiently, there is still one broad, prevalent perspective that should be hopefully becoming firmly entrenched in your mind by now, because it is a concept has been and will be routinely applied throughout Waggle Weight Wisdom™.  This doctrine is Read more »

The issue of a player understanding clubfitting on his/her own plays such a dominant role in a player’s overall golfing talent that golfing careers have been destroyed due to players (even players with efficient golf swings) not knowing clubfitting well enough to capably apply this element of one’s swing performance, which is active any time a golf club is in hand when swinging.  In some cases a player might Read more »

Now I am hardly saying that you should forget about being as detailed as possible and seeking perfection with respect to golf club lie while remaining greatly detailed about everything else.  I am simply saying here that because a predominant element of this particular testing revolves around golf club swingweighting and because this automatic correction exists between golf club lie and swingweighting, Read more »

I first want to add certain information here as sort of a continuation of my preceding post because I focused so much there on launch monitors for clubfitting.  In further supporting my earlier statement that only a few select basic tools are needed to accomplish superb clubfitting, and in keeping with my declaration that the golf shaft is not the “nothing-else-matters” component that many make it out to be, other clubfitting devices that are often overrated are not necessary either.  These include but are not limited to Read more »

Notwithstanding that this post sequence is geared primarily toward golf club “fitting” aspects, I cannot help but interject certain club “making” facets that can be extremely important to the process(es) at hand.  I personally consider “fitting” work to be every bit as much a part of “playing” as trying to hit my best drive or sink a putt during a round of golf.  This is because Read more »

There is a point I want to make through stating just one of a multitude of details (I will reveal much more later) about Moment of Insanity (MOI) golf club matching.  Even if you are familiar with some of my other work that exposes the golf club specification of swingweight as being somewhat obsolete in its present form and you are perhaps aware that your fulcrum point position might operationally be in a different location than that of standard swingweighting, you are still likely to Read more »

This touches on some elements that can be more complex when investigating them more deeply than merely what has been described in this post sequence and which I plan to explore more later, but it at least offers some general guidelines to work with at this time.  So the extreme club lengths I was having fun with and gave as examples earlier could Read more »

The combination of these factors results in a circumstance where, unless working with an adjustable-weight clubhead having a wide range of weight possibilities, not much change in golf club length can be achieved before encountering the following situation.  First, without any alterations to the clubhead’s weight, a sizable number of golfers will start to swing and play quite poorly because of resultant swingweight value changes that occur with golf club length changes of only Read more »

Before the shafts are securely fastened to the heads of the test golf clubs, test clubs that will be extremely critical toward learning some of the most important basic principles of golf swing performance and associated golf equipment fitting, there are some additional details I want to address to hopefully prevent regrettable circumstances from occurring after the shafts are installed (and it is too late to do certain things).  First, regarding any trimming of shafts before their installations into the heads, any trimming of the butt ends of the shafts should never Read more »

Having provided certain information about specific golf shaft traits that can be relevant to and intertwined with the fitting of one’s best golf grip size, I would advise you here to not become too concerned or overwhelmed if you cannot see any connection(s) between the two at this point.  Constant-weight versus unitized shaft comparisons, while important, become more applicable when Read more »

Performance comparisons (that have grip sizing connections for a golfer for any given club) between taper-tip, constant-weight and parallel-tip, unitized golf shafts can include comparisons such as golf ball travel results and golfer swing performance, which in and of itself can be subdivided into multiple performance facets.  Just one of these is whether a constant-weight or unitized shaft design might be better suited for use in conjunction with the exact same Read more »

The specific testing about to be described will deal with determining any given golfer’s best golf grip size for any given golf club.  Because the grip comprises the only direct physical contact between a golfer and a golf club, the specification of grip size is one of the most important parameters to get right in the pursuit of one’s best performance (in any activity [not just golf] where equipment is used in performing and grip sizing of the equipment is a specification allowed to be varied by performers).  Actually, while the term “grip size” is the common name given to this golf club specification, you will learn through this testing approach that Read more »

Most of you have probably heard of the expression the “terrible twos,” which generally refers to the approximate age of children when they begin to feel and express some independence.  This might often be done in defiant ways, by saying “No” at every opportunity and/or learning to try to manipulate people through temper tantrums as examples.  While a very normal stage of human development, many parents dread the thought of trying to get through this stage of life with a child, with actions and emotions that can range from trying to prepare in advance for this often-termed dreaded phase to being in denial that one’s child could ever behave in such a manner.

In this case I am not referring to the chronological age of someone or something, but rather to the number of Read more »

One question often asked over and over again when it comes to procedural matters in golf club fitting can be paraphrased something like, “What is the best scientific way to fit this or that particular golf club specification, or do I just have to use trial and error?”  Another version of the same inquiry is similar to, “Is there not a more scientific way to determine this or that golf club specification for my customers or me, or am I just stuck with using trial and error?”

The answers given to such inquiries often include examples such as the infamous grip-on-a-stick method of fitting golf grip size, where this method might be touted as being based on pure scientific principles.  Contrarily, it might be touted that choosing one’s grip size by swinging various golf clubs with varying grip sizes on them is Read more »

Before evaluating certain individual golf club specifications and how go about choosing a best value for a golfer, there are a few universal concepts that need to be understood and applied well throughout the clubfitting process.  Once these concepts are comprehended correctly, many golfers, clubfitters, teachers, and others will be enlightened to such a degree that their skill(s) regarding clubfitting will be greatly improved even before any individual club specifications are discussed.  Consequently, understanding these universal concepts well is very critical to knowing clubfitting well.

The first of these concepts centers on Read more »

When I previously addressed this topic, it was written from the perspective of how poor the golf clubfitting trade generally is.  In summary, I stated that custom clubfitting is an extremely important part of playing golf consistently well (the second most important part after swinging well) that can benefit every golfer by paying attention to the details of the equipment one uses and applying such details to one’s swing performance and golf ball travel, but that the clubfitting industry should generally be avoided at this point in time.  Several specific reasons for why this should be were given that mainly centered around Read more »

It is now time to publish some corrected fundamentals of golf club fitting theory and practice that have previously been poorly taught, understood, and applied and that have substantially contributed to essentially no improvement in golf scores for decades now.  But first I will review a couple of prerequisites disclosed in Waggle Weight Wisdom™ thus far and that need to be thoroughly understood before continuing.

With respect to analyzing and/or working on one’s swing, one’s base golf swing should never Read more »

While intently focused on revealing Decoding One’s True Golf Swing DNA (critical to understanding what follows), the namesake of the WaggleWeight™ Company has been essentially ignored lately.  But two US patents have recently been issued for the advanced golf club specification of waggle weight, which improves and solidifies the foundation of a concept initiated by Read more »

I can always revisit part or all of this topic at some point, but Decoding One’s True Golf Swing DNA comes to an end for now with this post.  I have revealed critical relationships previously undisclosed and established foundational golf swing elements that need to be understood before being able to correctly understand many clubfitting aspects that follow.  From some of my remaining notes I conclude this subject with the following comments.Read more »

Here I start considering any potential relationships between developing a limb-only golf grip and swing (the only way to decipher one’s true swing DNA for best developing all that follows) and any given grip/swing style one chooses to implement (if any).  Nowhere else but in golf can one find so many different swinging “methods” being taught at any one time to help one Read more »

In continuing a brief review of what has been covered thus far, I restate here that when giving children the same ball and the same implement with which to hit that ball, it is considerably easier for them to drop the ball dead on the ground, swing back and forth, and hit it as opposed to the greater difficulty of hitting the same ball when it is in motion.  This is true even when the children simply Read more »

Last post I examined how revealing one’s true golf swing DNA might potentially be accomplished under various scenarios of using one or more golf clubs or golf-club-like devices.  However, several possible complications were uncovered when contemplating how to expose the uninfluenced structure of one’s swing by such manner.  Fortunately, another alternative, one that can be far superior for determining the root DNA of any golf swing if it can be accomplished, is learning to Read more »

Waggle Weight Wisdom has recently explored several unique challenges existing in golf that first need to be understood and then solved to efficiently learn to play decently and consistently well.  Certain of these novel aspects are not readily found in other activities, thus there is often no common ground between some challenges in golf and those in other activities.  Accordingly, Read more »

At the start of the new year, I will disclose how to determine the true DNA of one’s golf swing, which shall form a new basis from which all subsequent golf swing and clubfitting principles are derived and which shall include the justifiable reasoning behind gripping a golf club the way it is commonly recommended.  Before doing so, however, I want to Read more »

I begin this post by briefly stating that when discussing levels of swing performance and equipment that often accompanies that performance, I am not trying to discourage anyone from striving for perfection by pointing out unending performance imperfection.  I still seek perfection when I work on these facets.  Despite knowing that I will never quite get there, rarely does a day go by where Read more »

In continuing my discussion on Golfer’s Brain, if for instance one has a stronger upper body and a weaker lower body, then in the short run one particular golf club gripping style (resultantly influencing swinging style) might be more advantageous and/or natural.  But in the long run, no matter what grip/swing style is chosen either naturally or by force, Read more »

Last post I divulged that by using a “more natural” grip to hold onto a golf club (no overlapping or interlocking of any fingers), one may substantially increase the chances of hitting a golf ball noticeably farther with no conspicuous loss of consistency in ball contact and/or travel when using any given golf club.  (It might take some time to get “re-accustomed” to such a grip and any accompanying swing changes if one has gotten used to an overlapping or interlocking grip).  In continuing with what I will term even “earlier fundamentals” of golf club gripping than others begin with, let me first make sure you understand an elementary truth before you Read more »

In looking back and considering all things within my variety of experiences to this point, developing a decent golf grip was one of the hardest things I struggled with overall when learning to golf.  I am referring here to both the physical unnaturalness of and the mental lack of legitimate reasoning given by others for overlapping or interlocking one’s fingers when gripping a golf club.  I admit here that my golf swing was Read more »

It has been said over and over again that the foundation of one’s golf swing lies in the way one grips a golf club, and such words are basically true.  Now a good golf grip can be mastered with practice and without ever swinging a golf club, so one can still have a good golf grip and yet a very undeveloped swing.  But over time, one’s hold on a golf club is perhaps Read more »

In my next post I will finally begin some genuine golf instruction, which I am really looking forward to.  I guarantee I will be revealing aspects not disclosed adequately before (if at all).  This includes my first topic of the golf grip, explaining the real reason behind overlapping or interlocking one’s hands together when golfing while it is not so advantageous to do so in other activities.  If you are convinced Read more »

I assume that most clubfitting educators are hard working, believe in what they teach, and are honest about what they choose to reveal.  After all, most if not all people that declare such information have other direct or indirect business interests associated with what they disclose (I am no exception), so logically the quality of disclosed fitting information will affect those other interests.  But in the end it is what it is, and what it is right now is unfortunately pretty bad clubfitting theory and practice.Read more »

Waggle Weight Wisdom is now only about a handful of posts away from starting to reveal certain golf swing and clubfitting concepts that will forever change the way they are both viewed.  The insight will help take the swing instruction and clubfitting trades from their current reputations of being quite inefficient into models of equipment fitting and swing training that will want to be emulated by all.  Before beginning, however, Read more »

Last post I approached golf club swingweighting as being fit directly to one’s swinging motion, whereby the specification’s value emerges as one of the most primary and crucial variables to get right if one wants to play his or her best golf.  Now I will look at the same parameter from the standpoint of fitting it to one’s golf ball flight, where much differently the swingweight value is Read more »

At the end of my most recent post, I wrote about fitting golf grip size based exclusively on ball travel results.  If deciding to take this approach, would you choose to make the presumption that when ball flight is at its best you are swinging your best, or would you prefer to prove that assumption separately and directly if you had the chance instead of relying on such an “indirect” method of gauging swing performance?  The fact is Read more »

Last post I pointed out how so critically important it is to fit golfers’ clubs to the way they swing, yet at the same time revealed how this really cannot and should not be done to the exclusion of all other clubfitting factors.  Think now about fitting golf clubs based on ball travel alone while completely neglecting one’s swing.  Can this be done? Read more »

Here I begin to consider the two extreme-end approaches on the Lifeline of Clubfitting as stand-alone processes to see how potentially effective each alone may be in the fitting of golf clubs.  First think of fitting clubs only to one’s golf swing without regard to any other elements of play, which I reemphasize here can be attempted and accomplished with virtually every golf club specification.  Why attempt this?  Well if the fit of one’s golf club(s) allows one to swing to the best of his or her ability, then one’s best capacity for distance, control, and consistency hitting golf balls with the given club(s) becomes available.  What other reason do you need for desiring to fit golf clubs directly to one’s swing?  Should clubs be fit based on one’s golf swing alone?  The answer is Read more »

I now return to the only two major and direct ways of fitting golf clubs to golfers: golf ball travel and swing performance.  With just two approaches to examine at the start, various side-by-side comparisons can be more easily made and explained.  I have no current plans to offer any aiding illustrations in the totally free version(s) of my work, so begin by intellectually visualizing a single straight line.  Established at one end of this line is the proposition of fitting golf clubs to golfers based exclusively on Read more »

Last post I talked some about fitting one’s golf club length using a clubfitting ruler.  Most people in golf know that changes in club length can cause discernible differences in ball travel, but fewer may be aware that changes in length can also be responsible for altering one’s golf swing, due to both the club length itself and/or other golf club characteristics that become different as a result of any length modifications.  Choosing club length is an instrumental part of fitting, but using a clubfitting ruler to select length is another issue, as the method does not address Read more »

Another indirect method for fitting certain golf club specifications is by way of using a “clubfitting ruler” for determining one’s golf club length.  This common gadget measures the distance between the ground and a part of your hand when standing erect with arms hanging at your sides.  The measurement used to be figured to the fingertips or maybe the knuckles, but now many may do it to one’s wrist.  One’s “optimal golf club length” is read off the ruler.  Whereas with many other golf club parameters I have learned and evolved tremendously from being a beginner until now, I can honestly say that my verdict on the clubfitting ruler Read more »

After the two major and direct ways of fitting golf clubs to golfers, there are a number of instructed, “indirect” concepts whose merits rate from suitable to worthless.  A few may be considered fair supplemental ways to help achieve the two primary goals of golf club fitting, if properly utilized.  But because they are often “roundabout” in nature, they can be very problematic, especially in inexperienced hands.  One such method is Read more »

Welcome to golf Clubfitting 101, where I will now begin to reveal theories and practices that will guide the future of golf club fitting (and swinging) and turn around decades of ineffective methods that have likely contributed to the game’s decline in recent years.  In certain areas details will be added or explained better to help supplement what is already available, some of which is good, but in other areas Read more »

Ralph Maltby and Tom Wishon have been two of the more familiar promoters of golf-related information and products over the last two to three decades.  Mr. Maltby’s Golf Club Design, Fitting, Alteration, and Repair, first published in 1974, opened up a new era in the study of golf clubs.  Roughly a decade later, Mr. Wishon first notably appeared on the scene, generating his own materials and gaining a following.  Both men may be considered Read more »

Consider for a moment various occupations that surround golf clubs.  There are players of course, who must use clubs to perform their best.  There are those who assemble and/or repair golf clubs, and then those who possess the ability to help fit clubs to golfers, which is altogether different than repairing clubs.  Next there are golf club designers, which may embody complete golf club design and performance or can focus solely on the design of individual components of club heads, shafts, and/or grips.  I assure you, one can be a good designer of clubs and yet know little about Read more »

I have mentioned more than once that I did not take up golf earnestly until I was into college.  My younger days were spent like many other middle-class aspiring athletes, passionately pursuing a baseball career.  My family could also better afford that.  A big part of this was playing organized ball at free parks.  I swung a baseball bat what seemed like more than a million times, working on my hitting technique and also experimenting with many different bats during both practices and games to try to get the most out of whatever talent I had.  One foundational bat element is the diameter of its handle.  I selected what handle size to use at any given time based preeminently on Read more »

In my last entry, I presented statistics showing there is a very small range indeed between the minimum and maximum values of golf club specifications when analyzing the preferences of the entire spectrum of golfers, legitimizing the slightly true statement that good golfers can often play with “anything.”  On the other hand, it has also been proven over a really long period of time that Read more »

Across a table from one another, each with their own chair, I seat a golfer, lacking any clubs to utilize, and opposite to him a set of golf clubs, at which point I investigate as to which one is willing and able to play the game of golf and play it better.  I instruct the golfer to go play in accordance with certain rules and I giggle as I watch him swat at a golf ball barehanded to try and get it into a hole some four-hundred yards away.  Still, Read more »

In another respect however, such as the fitting of grip size, there is just no acceptable excuse for the way golf club fitting continues to be approached today.  Remember what I stated in a recent posting about how many non-athletes play the game?  Well, legions of similarly inexperienced people also migrate to clubfitting for various reasons.  Some are Read more »

I am a firm believer in personalized golf club fitting to help players improve, maybe even more so than those trying so hard to tout its potential benefits.  Before regularly touching a golf club, I already had more than a decade of experience playing baseball and other sports, becoming very familiar early on of how equipment changes can alter one’s performance and to what degree.  Unfortunately, today’s fitting of clubs to golfers is Read more »

As recorded last time, the concept of “dynamic” golf club fitting and the golf club specification of swingweight, presently badly misused in golf club fitting, are just two of several applications that are poorly executed when attempting to fit golf clubs to players.  Consider the club specification of face angle for example, a parameter traditionally applied only to woods, but any golf club Read more »

So you can swing a golf club.  Big deal.  Golf swings that are decent enough to play consistently well are a dime a dozen, yet so many of these players still very bluntly stink.  To logically decide what must be done next in order to play golf well, the mystery of “a golf swing is hard” needs to be solved first.  A few of the next specific questions to be asked and answered are, Read more »

As I prepare to move on to a different subject for a while, I may perhaps leave you with more questions than answers about a golf swing, but they are questions that if asked and answered honestly will set one on the path to developing and making the best golf swing he or she is capable of achieving at any given moment in time.  Few good players and teachers will argue that taking a proper grip on a golf club is the foundation of a good golf swing.  Though I still fundamentally believe in this assertion more often than not, recently I have been pondering if maybe I am wrong about this whole thing.  I find today that I am only able to stand behind this premise probably about Read more »

Do you ever feel intimidated or down about your golf swing because so many players are readily able to distinguish between as little as two grams (about one fourteenth of an ounce) of change in golf club headweight?  Perhaps you have seen component catalogs where, with all else being equal, the difference in weight between golf shaft models varies by approximately the weight of a dime.  Are you able to notice a variance in grip size that differs in diameter by just one sixty-forth of an inch?  These statements are a bit oversimplified, but a large percentage of golfers can indeed tell the difference between such amounts when attending to their swings.  Wow!  That certainly indicates how difficult it is to swing a golf club well and portrays formidability, does it not?  Well, think again. Read more »

I really get a kick out of many of the commercials or infomercials for swing aids.  In the background of the setting may sit at least one golf club and some golf balls to give the appearance of a more “professional” look, and the advertisement is often filmed or taped at a nice outdoor driving range to boot.  There in the center of the frame is someone performing something with a swing aid that might perhaps help one’s swing to look prettier or more traditional, yet Read more »

I cannot say that I am commonly a fan of golf swinging aids.  I admit I really do not know much of what is out there for the purpose, as I pay virtually no attention to such things.  My reasons for such an attitude will become clearer in a moment.  As someone who is in the profession, I would think if anything were around that worked to any useful degree to help players develop their golf swings, I would be aware of it.  But I see nothing.  Like so much of my approach, a good deal of my experience comes from Read more »

Most great golfers in history have recorded how they developed and applied their golf swings, documentation that can be studied if desired.  Despite this fact, I can understand why so many players might prefer a more personalized approach and interaction in the course of formulating and maintaining their golf swings.  Given my experience of how comparatively simple a golf swing is to master, am I therefore insinuating that all golf teachers who believe a golf swing is difficult are lying? Read more »

Perhaps here I should briefly break down the word “easy” into physical and psychological components as it pertains to swinging a golf club.  When I have not swung a golf club in a while and then get back to practicing or playing, I am physically every bit as stiff, sore, and fatigued in the days following as I ever was when resuming work after a layoff at baseball or any other sport I used to play.  While enduring this discomfort, at least I am encouraged that Read more »

As one who has spent the first half of his life playing predominantly baseball (along with several other sports also), and the second half working at golf, I can tell you from firsthand experience how easy, comparatively speaking, it is to develop a swing and whack at an object that is just sitting still as opposed to swinging at and hitting something that is in motion.  To gain a better perspective, Read more »

It is taken for granted here that everyone, at any age, wants to perform and score his or her best while swinging and playing golf.  Sophisticated adults might pay close attention to whether they are “swingers” or “hitters,” on the correct “swing plane,” employing “proper wrist hinging,” whether their arms and the golf club are “at the proper angle” during address, and a multitude of other swing-related technicalities.  Contrarily, an unsophisticated child has no conception of these “advanced” topics, simply wanting to hit the ball any way he or she can, combining more fun in the course of still wanting success.  But wait just a minute!  Maybe I have that backward! Read more »

Regardless of whether one is a total beginner at golf, a tour player looking to refresh their fundamentals, a teacher of the golf swing, or involved in the fitting and making of equipment used for play, I shall initiate this blog, Waggle Weight Wisdom, by stripping away most of the advanced details and hype concerning how to play the game of golf, and start with a more simple approach toward playing and playing well.  Before getting into deeper specifics of certain golf subjects, it is important here to lay some basic groundwork and develop an outline from which to expand on later.  By keeping these elementary principles firmly in mind, which contain the nucleus of how to develop and maintain one’s golf game for a lifetime, more complex ideas and analysis should be easier to comprehend later.  These primary goals will be referred back to often when discussing more detailed golfing matters in future dialogue.  While this broadest of framework is open to variations in wording and the number of sub-topics, I consider its central theme to be “Playing Golf” in its absolute form.

Playing golf well requires paying attention to three fundamental areas.  The first and most obvious task is Read more »