Clean Hands™ Book
Ridding the Golf Industry of Those Having Unclean Hands: Proper Swing and Clubfitting Principles Administered with Clean Hands™ is an unprecedented work (available only as a downloadable PDF e-book at this time) that, among other discerning insights, provides means to accomplish fundamental swing and/or clubfitting skills in manners mortally superior to any such attempts of the past. The work applies foundational (actually coherent) concepts, theories, and practices that have been around as long as man. Yet notoriously to this point in its history, the game of golf as a whole has evidently not been able to experience, understand, and/or apply them.
It is distinctly noted here that this book has largely been formed around golf due to certain relatively unique attributes of the game. Notwithstanding this, the concepts, theories, and practices disclosed are fundamentally universal in nature. They apply to essentially all activities (sporting and non-sporting alike) to various extents depending on exactly what elements are involved in any given activity. So it is indeed possible that one might actually be helped more effectively by the book toward performing a different activity better than one might be helped toward performing golf better. Furthermore, various other lessons directly or indirectly revealed in the book could make it equally beneficial and/or entertaining for those involved with countless other activities and walks of life also.
In setting aside transient events that might temporarily make golf look more or less attractive over shorter periods of time, over a longer span of history the game has been in a very conspicuous state of decline for a very long time now. Fundamentally the performance and reputation of the golf industry have been notably deteriorating, accompanied by a diminishing popularity of and participation in the game. These trends have in fact sharply accelerated in more recent history to an extent where now it could possibly be envisioned when the game as known to this point might potentially become extinct. And these trends will assuredly return and continue unless badly needed changes are globally and capably enacted soon.
There are some very definitive and logically understandable reasons for this devolution in performance and reputation. And many of them are addressed in the profound new book available exclusively through the WaggleWeight® LLC, intriguingly titled Ridding the Golf Industry of Those Having Unclean Hands: Proper Swing and Clubfitting Principles Administered with Clean Hands™. Among other enlightening reading, the book critically breaks down swing and clubfitting workings into smaller elements than ever done so previously and reassembles them far more properly than ever before. This creates a more correct and valid foundation from which to most effectively build upon as opposed to some of the nonsense the game has concocted for itself in the past concerning these fields.
Even during periods of substantial growth or prosperity for the game over its long history and essentially since its beginnings, golf has still tended to be more widely ridiculed than many other activities. This has partly been because golf for various reasons (some revealed in the book) has very broadly always seemed to involve a larger percentage of people more athletically inexperienced or challenged so to speak than involved with untold other activities generally considered to be more athletic in nature. Persistent ridiculing of golf is presently at an all-time high in this regard (with very rational reasoning behind it), and this has not exactly been conducive to a better recovery and any further growth prospects for the game from where it currently stands.
More specifically, such mockery prominently revolves around some of the most absurd swing and equipment fitting concepts, theories, and practices ever devised by man being developed within the game of golf over its history. And a large part of this comprises what appears to be grown-ups involved with golf that continue to display knowledge and experience in the noted fields more incoherent than and inferior to than kids involved in many other activities. (Sometimes it seems that the fancier the apparel the greater the deficiencies in other areas.) Some revelations within the book address certain of these issues, including disclosing some of the unqualified and out-of-touch entities or entity types responsible for and more apt to devise, instruct/support, and/or believe in the foolishness they do. Insightful revelations are at times presented in humorous or satirical manners to hopefully best incite golfers and the golf industry toward correcting and not repeating (yet again concerning numerous matters) past ridiculousness into any future the game might still potentially have.
Major disclosures within the book comprise far more proper structural procedures regarding swing and clubfitting analysis and development or improvement than ever previously divulged, particularly regarding the most rudimental of swing and clubfitting elements. And the procedures revealed desperately need to be undertaken and accomplished in overhauling fashion within golf if it is hoped that the game will even survive let alone grow any further. If failing to do so, and based upon numerous preposterous and futile foundation(s) golf has bizarrely fabricated for itself in these fields to this point, in principle there is simply no legitimate place(s) for the game to go anymore. Globally, golf as a whole will only deteriorate further from its present floundering state, with utter destruction on the horizon for any good traditions or enticements of the game instead of any further recovery and competent growth into the future.
These deserved bleak prospects again have very logical and understandable reasons underlying them, some exposed within the work. But if not too late already, it is quite a no-brainer that golfers learning the more fundamentally correct swing and clubfitting principles contained in the book will for instance finally stop supporting the endless commercial entities implementing defective procedures. In general this will ultimately lead to much more capable entities in the noted fields (totally new and/or existent entities being overhauled and sanctioned by qualified authority [if they desire to stay in business]). And this can help to turn golf into a universally more respected game that more desire to be involved with rather than the belittled activity it continues to be among many. To illustrate, countless youngsters have long perceived and continue to perceive golf as a dreaded last resort, considered only after they are not able to participate in any number of other sporting activities they would much rather participate in.
This is merely one of numerous not-so-good traditions that have been created to this point in golf history, with such a perception contributed to by the information outlined here. But the book can authoritatively help toward achieving many metamorphoses that are very gravely and profoundly needed in order to better the game globally (including but hardly limited to altering the noted longstanding perception). And with that, hereby presented are images of the work’s title page, followed by listings of contents that include sections of dialogues and brief descriptions of figures for further consideration. Please note that due to any revising, which can occur at any point(s) without notice, actual book contents may vary from any of the images displayed:
Qualifications of the book’s author, WaggleWeight® LLC president Bill Kostuj, are not limited to extensive, actual performing experiences in a wide variety of athletic activities, plus an undergraduate degree in engineering largely before ever picking up a golf club with any seriousness. (The latter helps toward better ascertaining certain technicalities relevant to swing and equipment fitting, while the former helps toward associating such technicalities with more practical matters. And since wholly qualified at systematically understanding them properly, various elements and relationships among the stated fields can be capably explained in simpler and more comprehensible terms.) That was followed by forty-plus years as a golf professional, learning unique (and not so unique) elements of the game. Cumulatively this has resulted in being able to analyze and compare such elements in more global and effective manners than any such attempts of the past. (This is done so principally independently yet often described in terms based upon experiences with and typical goings on in the golf industry.)
And one result has been the book Ridding the Golf Industry of Those Having Unclean Hands: Proper Swing and Clubfitting Principles Administered with Clean Hands™. The work capably advances the most rudimental principles of both swing and equipment fitting performance (including correcting previously faulty foundations). This in turn can potentially lead to other sound and more appealing improvements throughout the game, which currently continues to be stigmatized by incoherencies and (rightly) ridiculed by many. Book benefits are hardly limited to gaining proper rudimental knowledge that can radically help any golfer (of any playing level) avoid being taken advantage of any further by entities within the industry having unclean hands. Such entities include basically every swing instruction and clubfitting entity as operating at the present time, as well as other entity types connected with the game of golf that directly or indirectly feed off of the swing instruction and clubfitting trades (or vice versa).
Before as examples playing another round of golf, taking a swinging lesson, purchasing another golf club, attempting a clubfitting (even if free), or heeding anybody else’s advice concerning these fields, anyone desiring to play one’s best is doing oneself a grave disservice by not purchasing and gaining the education contained within the book. If not having the specific knowledge, one will not only be left extremely vulnerable toward being taken advantage of (even if unintentionally by any routinely unqualified entity of today), but the door will remain totally closed toward lasting foundational improvement pertaining to the noted fields. Individually, anybody demonstrating to not possess the education contained within the book will be widely perceived as being quite ignorant regarding game basics by anybody possessing the knowledge. And on the whole, those not possessing the education will conspicuously help to carry on a widespread perception of golf being significantly populated with athletically inexperienced castoffs from other activities, warranting greater instances of continued mocking by others.
The work is symbolically priced at the retail rate for one dozen of what many might call professional quality golf balls. So foregoing a dozen stupid golf balls (which might be used up over a single round of golf for some) and instead buying and learning the book’s contents will open up a lifetime of usable knowledge toward most effectively and consistently developing or improving one’s swing and/or clubfitting performance. Individuals purchasing the book and learning its content will become foundationally better educated concerning these fields than basically every commercial swing instructor and clubfitter as currently administered. So the knowledge can be profoundly valuable if contemplating utilizing any such entities. And for those considered more self-helpers in nature, the book can be extremely valuable to have and reference in the face of what has become perhaps the worst period over the entire history of golf (ongoing right now) regarding legitimate educational matter respecting the noted fields.
To exemplify, certain newer entities or entity types have surfaced in relatively recent history and have since become notorious for terribly unqualified individual and/or organizational contributions in the areas of swing and clubfitting teachings and/or advices. The absurdness commonly encountered (when trying to be serious) can be rather entertaining. But the result(s) has been some of the most erroneous and embarrassing content imaginable, displayed in glaringly public manners for the rest of the world to also witness better, and which has negatively affected perceptions of the game even further in certain regards. The senselessness epitomizes the old figurative expression of the blind leading the blind, flamboyantly portraying golf as a farce that should be avoided unless and until appropriate corrections are enacted. The current ludicrousness if not competently attended to, temporarily believed by innumerable golfers (along with uncountable others) broadly considered historically naive concerning the fields before reality sets in (someday), may ultimately influence more people to abandon rather than stay with or enter the game.
The whys and wherefores of this continuing situation are also well covered within the book. This includes coherent information needed to help one effectively distinguish between legitimate information and the unfathomable amount of ignorance commonly perpetrated by countless entities from the ground up. This can help to prevent or at least reduce extremely frustrating and dejecting experiences that still so routinely occur (and are getting even worse in certain ways) and help to improve performance in the fields far better and more efficiently. And the work is now attainable for the private, noncommercial benefit and use of golfers of all abilities, innumerable others associated with golf in various capacities, and those associated with uncountable other activities and walks of life as well. (The work is potentially contractible for use on a business or organizational level.)
The book is currently available only in an electronic, downloadable PDF format represented by the sequence of images displayed. (A global service fee is integrated into its price to help assure more secure processing and delivery.) And it is now procurable, exclusively through the WaggleWeight® LLC. No other entity is authorized to provide any part(s) of the book at the present time.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in the book is presented accurately, errors perpetually remain a possibility. Thus, the WaggleWeight® LLC (Limited Liability Company) and/or author do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, use or misuse of any content provided, or disruption caused by any errors or omissions, regardless of whether any such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
And in line with this, no guarantees, either express or implied, are provided by the WaggleWeight® LLC and/or author. This includes no refunds, as once any of the book’s knowledge is consumed it is consumed, whether or not agreeing with and/or comprehending any of its content. This also includes but is not limited to any results obtained in taking any action related to any book content. An educational and informational resource is offered in good faith. It should be understood that any results will be dependent upon individual efforts, situations, characteristics, and/or innumerable other circumstances entirely beyond any control of the company and/or author.