Dynamic® Swingweighting

Properly fitting one’s equipment where applicable in any activity is a fundamental part of consistently performing one’s best. Unfortunately, the clubfitting trade as a whole is one part of the golf industry that has a history and reputation of being the worst in all of sports with regard to competently fitting equipment to players. No other activity is even a close second. In at least one respect this circumstance might be defensible, but in many other ways it is simply inexcusable, leading to much well-deserved ridicule. Golfers typically do not swing and/or play anywhere near what they are capable of after being custom fit for golf clubs. They commonly actually play worse. To exemplify, even more modern technologies like launch monitors and their method(s) of use routinely produce inferior clubfitting results compared with before such so-called advanced devices even came into existence.

Why? Because certain critical underlying clubfitting and related swinging principles that come into play and take effect long before any launch monitor data even becomes relevant are generally still remarkably poorly understood throughout the game of golf. There are some notorious (albeit very entertaining) reasons for this situation, which when properly understood can provide some keen insight(s) into the past and present (and perhaps future) workings of the golf industry. A widespread ignorance of traditional golf club swingweighting is but one of these reasons. “Swing Using Original Swingweight (Swing Weight) No More: Introducing Advanced Dynamic® Swingweight” is a treatise that finally demystifies, in simple black and white, what the established golf club specification of swingweight rightfully represents. Whether or not one has a factual understanding of this long-proven specification is a critical sign of whether or not one has factual understandings of golf swing and associated equipment performance.

Disastrously, even most teachers of swinging and clubfitting elements apparently remain uneducated about this extremely foundational subject (as well as other subjects) concerning golfing. Revelations include when, where, how, and why swingweighting can so greatly affect the performance of one’s golf swing and how to identify those for whom it will and will not consistently work. From that foundation is introduced an advanced golf club specification named “Dynamic®” Swingweight (or Swingweighting as one of several acceptable variations), giving golfers of all abilities an opportunity to further improve swing performance via the fit of their clubs. This very badly needed advanced golf club specification is expected to profoundly influence the entire game of golf for the better, with the WaggleWeight® LLC as its developer following up with various other products and services designed to help take advantage of the Dynamic® Swingweight specification most effectively and to its fullest.

This groundbreaking article finally ends grave misconceptions about certain golf swing and equipment traits by wisely prioritizing the relationship between one’s unadulterated swing performance (not ball travel result) and equipment first. The following outline briefly describes topics that are thoroughly covered in the full feature “Swing Using Original Swingweight (Swing Weight) No More: Introducing Advanced Dynamic® Swingweight”:

• The confusion surrounding swingweight, and a foundational inadequacy in the traditional method that contributes to the widespread misunderstanding of the specification

• Swingweight scale basics, and designs of some past and present measuring devices

• Elementary swingweighting physics

• Figuring swingweight without a specialized scale

• Searching for the origin of the fourteen-inch fulcrum distance, and contemplating other possible measuring point locations for players and their golf clubs

• A critical journey backward to before a swing even begins; a discussion of leveling a bat over home plate in baseball and waggling in golf

• The general obliviousness of waggling, yet a crucial detail toward determining swing performance

• An essential separation of the four stages (two displayed here) of a traditional waggle sequence

Two side-by-side images displaying two stages of a traditional waggle sequence
Two stages of a traditional waggle sequence

• The conclusive, numerical connection between waggling and swingweighting, and why the relationship can be difficult to correlate

• A brief dialogue of various, commonplace waggle styles that deviate from the presented model

• A more justifiable definition for golf club swingweight, and cause and effect examples of the specification during both waggling and subsequent swinging

• Observed percentages of golfers at varying skill levels that waggle about various golf club pivot points

• Where rotation points of average golfers frequently tend to be located and a common reason why, securing the realization that far too many golfers cannot benefit from the original swingweighting system

• Further exposing the limitation(s) of traditional swingweighting by way of modern golf club technology advances

• Overhauling original swingweight’s increasingly imprecise and antiquated method for measuring golf clubs, the improved advanced specification named “Dynamic® Swingweight”

• A fixed fulcrum Dynamic® Swingweighting system of a sole point versus a variable fulcrum design

• Waggle analysis from a different angle, and a three-dimensional composite of a unique motion

• The difficulties of following waggle movements utilizing human senses alone, and the crucial importance of utilizing supporting technology to aid in accurately determining golfer rotation point (fulcrum) locations

• Pursuing products and/or services from the WaggleWeight® LLC to help apply the advanced Dynamic® Swingweight golf club specification originally developed by the company most effectively

The unabridged feature radically unravels the whys and wherefores of golf club swingweighting and decisively puts prior misconceptions to rest. Are you really sure you want to buy, sell, fit, or make another club utilizing the original swingweight specification (most every golf club) before finally and rationally comprehending its true operation and knowing whether it will tend to help or hurt any given golfer’s swing performance? And as the one and only analysis of golf club swingweighting to contain hard evidence where most others have merely speculated (usually quite ignorantly) for nearing 100 years, the treatise seamlessly progresses to the first legitimate improvement of traditional swingweight in its nearly century-old existence. And it includes an upgraded specification name as well of “Dynamic®” Swingweight.

Dynamic® Swingweight is a noteworthy golf club specification advancement that can result in genuine swing improvement for players rather than mere attempts at (routinely deceiving) golf ball travel modifications. Whether an individual searching for personal golfing improvement or a golf business seeking improved products/services for its purchasers, the enlightening work “Swing Using Original Swingweight (Swing Weight) No More: Introducing Advanced Dynamic® Swingweight” (or Swinging Weight as another of several common variations) comprises vital reading that could aid in attaining that improvement. Being in the dark with respect to such a foundational and critical golf club specification no longer needs to be one of numerous ongoing embarrassing attributes associated with the golf industry (negatively affecting multiple facets of the game). An option finally exists to invest in some definitive knowledge regarding the specification, which can result in being able to apply it far more effectively than in the past.

The relatively recent reintroduction (yet again) of the irrational MOI (technically Moment of Inertia) golf club matching specification is generally used and/or supported by individuals/organizations less knowledgeable regarding certain foundational swing and/or clubfitting principles. To date that specification is not technically dissected and compared with swingweight matching within the exposition. Focusing on the correct technical understandings of swingweighting elements as properly disclosed in the monograph is far and away most critical first in view of the broad, humiliating misunderstandings of the specification for almost a century. But for those familiar with the technical elements of MOI golf club matching, the treatise is all that is really needed to come to realize that MOI should be justly labeled as Moment of Insanity as a golf club matching concept. Not coincidentally, the reintroduction and promotion of MOI club matching in more recent times has closely paralleled a devastative downturn in the overall performance, reputation, and popularity of the game, not at all surprising when both (not just one) specifications are properly comprehended.

“Swing Using Original Swingweight (Swing Weight) No More: Introducing Advanced Dynamic® Swingweight” is a specifically themed treatise that comprises approximately 10,000 words plus accompanying visuals. The monograph focuses essentially on a single dedicated golf club specification, and rightly so. This is because the underlying concept(s) of the specification comprises the deepest root(s) of understanding both golf swing and clubfitting performance simultaneously. There are limited places to go with either if the content is not adequately understood. The treatise finally, correctly, and completely analyzes time-honored golf club swingweighting after its nearly century of existence. And in so doing, a logically simple yet profoundly important advancement of the traditional golf club specification is able to be introduced, named Dynamic® Swingweight. The stand-alone monograph may be the only work to ever contain certain specific statements and/or visuals of potentially great value regarding the particular subject matter.

Nevertheless, being first copyright registered in 2005, the original treatise can be considered fundamentally retired or archived and generally no longer available at this point in time. But unique circumstances are always possible, so please feel free to contact the WaggleWeight® LLC with any special requests in this regard. Instead, and while certain crucial and historic specifics from the original monograph might never be reproduced anywhere else, various elements will ultimately be integrated into other works by the company/author. Such elements help to correct and/or complete countless flawed materials of the past respecting golf swing and/or clubfitting mechanics. In plain fact, terribly flawed materials are still being newly produced and promoted by numberless individuals and organizations, with numerous incorrect and/or incomplete golfing doctrines still derived from the oversaturated state of erroneous swingweighting theory and practice of the past.

Works potentially referencing various elements of the original treatise “Swing Using Original Swingweight (Swing Weight) No More: Introducing Advanced Dynamic® Swingweight” may include but hardly be limited to varied Waggle Weight Wisdom™ content (currently free to reference), the Clean Hands™ book, instructions regarding implementing the advanced Dynamic® Swingweight specification outlined on this page, and/or any number of future materials. Alternately, for those desiring to correct and/or expand their present knowledge concerning any of the critical subjects toward personal and/or business application and improvement, and a particular topic(s) of interest synopsized regarding the original monograph is currently not found and/or not included elsewhere, consultations are available as circumstances permit toward providing the information desired. Authoritatively, certain embarrassing and thwarting regressions in the areas of swing and clubfitting concepts, theories, and practices have gotten even worse in more recent history. This is glaringly reflected in forms of personal and business encumbrances, and this will continue to thwart greater successes in these areas unless and until more proper teachings help to remove such encumbrances.