Waggle Weight Wisdom™ Glossary

Currently projected, this specialized glossary is hardly intended to be a comprehensive defining of all terms related to the game of golf. Rather, it is primarily conceived as a prominent listing of original terms first devised in developing entries cumulatively known as the Waggle Weight Wisdom™ body of work (though it may well extend to other work related to the WaggleWeight® LLC also). The terms, often satirical in nature, can easily stand on their own from perspectives of providing profound educational and/or entertaining impact as they relate to past, current, and/or potential future states of the golf industry. Links may at times be provided to when and where certain terms were utilized for the first time. Additionally, more serious terms related to the contents of the entries (again potentially extending to other WaggleWeight® LLC work as well), even if previously existing and broadly better known already, may also be included if deemed helpful toward comprehending the context of the work better.