Do You Swing Like an Adult or a Child?
It is taken for granted here that everyone, at any age, wants to perform and score his or her best while swinging and playing golf. Sophisticated adults might pay close attention to whether they are “swingers” or “hitters,” on the correct “swing plane,” employing “proper wrist hinging,” whether their arms and the golf club are “at the proper angle” during address, and a multitude of other swing-related technicalities. Contrarily, an unsophisticated child has no conception of these “advanced” topics, simply wanting to hit the ball any way he or she can, combining more fun in the course of still wanting success. But wait just a minute! Maybe I have that backward! Perhaps seasoned adults, who have developed an expected level of confidence in their ability through hard work over time and derived certain viewpoints from other experiences, prefer and are able to take a skill like swinging a golf club and essentially reduce it to child’s play. This can be even if involved in the game for a living. Oppositely, uninformed and unconfident childlike exploits may include always looking for that next “swing secret” to use for one’s self or for promotion to somebody else. Of course real life does not allow either of these extremes, instead providing unlimited possibilities somewhere between the two. Still, these are very interesting theoretical propositions. They could be debated until this particular database is full, with no definitive answer likely reached regarding which way of thinking would ultimately produce better swinging.
A golf swing can be made out to be quite complex, and this may be the perfect pursuit for many. The truth is, however, that such an action can be accomplished very successfully and consistently with strong or weak hand positions on a club, flat or upright swing planes, changing planes within the swing, quick or slow swing tempos, different postures, and so on, based upon an individual’s physical and psychological makeup. Just look at the swing styles of some of the best players in the world. Without exception, there are sufficient differences between each to form their own memorable fingerprint, and all are capable of playing golf well. Even if one has a less complicated approach though, I cannot automatically discourage the seeking out of people who are knowledgeable in the area of the golf swing. There are some common, fundamental elements that regularly settle within practiced swings and which can be taught on the way to playing successfully. Some individuals are excellent teachers who may help to speed the development of and increase one’s talent level. Sadly, others will do nothing more than to take an already suitable swing and move it backward in a hurry. If this is a road to be taken with any persistence, it is prudent to search out someone with similar beliefs and attitudes as yours.
The frame of reference that is applied when training how to swing a golf club can not only have a major impact on the formation of that swing, but it can also drastically affect the learning of other facets of playing golf. So when it comes to swinging a golf club or teaching someone else to swing, a critical initial question begs to be asked: Do you swing more like an adult or a child?