An individual with the member name of bjp1 on the Worrisome Reasonless Xenogolf website forum posts that he has been fitted over the years by many “credible” establishments as he currently perceives them. Yet after a time playing with each of the suggested golf club specifications by the various fittings, he begins to struggle with tempo and swing speed issues. He broadly inquires whether or not the shaft weight could be responsible for what he is experiencing, inquiring about both swinging and ball travel result attributes (two distinctly different considerations) within his posting. The swing performance attribute can at least be addressed for bjp1 as follows.
First, as it stands at this particular point in golf history, the clubfitting industry as a general whole is anything but the advanced and proficient technological trade that many believe it is. The commercialized clubfitting trade is actually still so much in its infancy regarding being properly educated about certain even extremely basic golf swing and clubfitting theories and practices that the trade is figuratively still in diapers. An element like glitzy launch monitor use has (temporarily) helped to cover up this true fact, even for more experienced individuals and/or organizations that should (but seemingly do not) know better. But eventually the current ineptness of the clubfitting trade will become much more publicly known and understood by everybody.
In light of this, your commenting that “Cool Club, Club Champion, local top fitters” that you have apparently all been to comprise “credible” clubfitting establishments is anything but the truth and a very uniformed statement. Universally, the trade claims to be able to fit golf clubs to the swings of golfers. But it is wholly incompetent at doing so, basically just fitting clubs according to ball travel result numbers spit out by a launch monitor and claiming that the process is comparable or equivalent to fitting clubs to the actual swings of golfers. This is an extremely inaccurate claim by a very ignorant industry. And yet the trade somehow still cannot understand how it continues to have a longstanding very poor reputation, regularly sending golfers away from the process swinging and playing worse than when they began, even if ball travel results might (commonly temporarily) be a little better.
Based on the above, establishments in the game of golf as a cumulative whole that practice and/or teach clubfitting, including but hardly limited to those you listed, in essence actually practice and/or teach the “Swing Degenerative Method of Clubfitting.” This method categorically sacrifices the achieved swing development of golfers at the expense of blindly pursuing some golf ball travel result(s). And because this description is so very accurate in nature (and will remain so unless and until the clubfitting industry is able to straighten out its current debacle), it might enlighten better regarding how and why the clubfitting industry has markedly contributed to declines in the popularity and reputation of the game.
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